What's New At CPCNA?
Current Palliative Nursing Research Studies
Here, we profile active research studies in palliative care nursing that are relevant to the national landscape of palliative care nursing in Canada.
We encourage you to review the offerings below and click on the provided links to engage with the study protocol that is of interest to you.
All questions about individual research protocols should be directed to contacts for each Study as indicated.
Research Proposals are the work of Academic Individuals or Groups and not affiliated with CPCNA. If Members of CPCNA are associated with any of the Research Protocols shared here, it is from the perspective of their separate professional affiliations, and not their role with CPCNA.
Dignity in Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Call for Study Participants)
Researchers at the University of Manitoba are conducting a national research study on the experiences of frontline healthcare providers who have cared for dying patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. In doing so, this study will explore those experiences, as well as some of the long-term effects that frontline healthcare providers may experience due to the pandemic. This program of research is being led by Principle Investigator Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov - Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Manitoba, Senior Scientist at the Research Institute of Oncology and Hematology, CancerCare Manitoba, and Co-Founder of the Canadian Virtual Hospice.
Interested participants will be asked to complete a brief survey over a period of 3 time-points, and if willing, take part in a brief phone call interview. We anticipate that this survey will take 15 minutes of your time. Information to help you decide whether to voluntarily consent will be available at the beginning of the survey.
If interested in participating, click on this link:
If there are questions about this research protocol, email the research team at dignityincare@umanitoba.ca
This research has been approved by the University of Manitoba Health Research Ethics Board. If you have concerns or complaints about this project you may contact the above-named persons or the Human Ethics Coordinator (HEC) at 204-474-7122 or humanethics@umanitoba.ca
For any questions of concerns about CPCNA and Research, contact us at cpcnaresearch@gmail.com