What's New At CPCNA?
CPCNA Nursing Awards
The Canadian Palliative Care Nursing Association believes that it is important to acknowledge the work and leadership of palliative care nurses across Canada. In an effort to support this goal, Palliative Care Nursing Awards have been created to celebrate our nursing colleagues.
The purpose of the awards is to acknowledge and celebrate persons who are or have been palliative care nurses and/or nurse practitioners and have made outstanding contributions to palliative care, palliative care nursing, and/or the CPCNA.
These awards will be offered annually.
Nominations open January 15th
Deadline March 30th
Criteria for each of the following awards are noted in links below:
CPCNA Leadership Award- is to honour a member of the Canadian Palliative Care Nursing Association (CPCNA), whose practice reflects components of the mission and purpose of the CPCNA.
CPCNA Lifetime Achievement Award- is to honour a nurse and/or nurse practitioner, who is member of the Canadian Palliative Care Nursing Association (CPCNA), has made outstanding contributions to palliative care, palliative care nursing and the CPCNA (and/or the CHPCNG) during the course of their nursing career.
Nominations for the awards will open annually on January 10th and close annually on March 15th. ​
A selection committee will review nominees.
The CPCNA Board will acknowledge all nominees and inform the award winners.
For more information about each award criteria and nominations, click on the document links below:​
To submit a nomination for either of these awards:
Seek the nominee’s permission to nominate him or her (Self-nominations are ineligible).
The nominee must give permission for the CPCNA to use his or her photo and the reference letters for publicity purposes.
The nominee must sign the nomination form (or the nominator confirms consent in the online application).
Procure two Letters of Support.
Letters can be from a fellow nurse, a member of the CPCNA, another professional or a member of the public.
Each letter should be approximately 500 words.
Please provide specific examples of how the nominee has made significant contributions to palliative care nursing and the CPCNA.
Complete the online nomination form
Email the following documents to cpcnamembers@gmail.com:​
Two Letters of Support
An electronic photo of the nominee which may be used for publicity purposes.
One copy of the nominee’s current CV.
For more information on the awards or questions about submitting a nomination, email cpcnamembers@gmail.com