What's New At CPCNA?
Call for Abstracts
MAiD Research Forum
May 2, 2024 Ottawa, Ontario.
Deadline for Abstracts March 29
Details HERE
Feature Articles
To promote the dissemination of nursing scholarship in the area of palliative care, CPCNA is launching a Monthly Feature Article. The articles featured are open access, meaning they are available for free to everyone, no subscriptions are needed.
Nursing Staff Needs in Providing Palliative Care for Persons With Dementia at Home or in Nursing Homes: A Survey
March’s feature article is in recognition of Brain Health Awareness Month. This article reports on the needs of both home care and care home nurses as it pertains to providing quality palliative care to patients living with dementia. The findings can be applied to various care settings, as the authors have found similar results when conducting the same research in other care settings. Simply click on the link below to access the full article.
Happy reading!
Patient & Caregiver Experiences: Qualitative Study Comparison Before and After Implementation of Early Palliative Care for Advanced Colorectal Cancer
February's feature article is in acknowledgment of World Cancer Day, which is February 4th. February's feature article discusses the implementation of an early palliative care referral program (palliative care early and systematic (PaCES) care pathway) in Calgary, which utilized specialist palliative care nurses. The project highlights the significant impact palliative care nurses have on individuals living with cancer and their caregivers. The experiences of patients with colorectal cancer and their caregivers can be found by clicking on the link below:
Happy reading!
End-of-Life Care and Bereavement Issues in Human Immunodeficiency Virus–AIDS
December’s feature article is in honour of World Aids Day (Dec. 1st) – a day to reflect on what has been achieved thus far in HIV/Aids care globally and to reflect on what work must still be done. The article I have chosen, entitled, End-of-Life Care and Bereavement Issues in Human Immunodeficiency Virus–AIDS, is an excellent summary of commonly experienced palliative and end of life symptoms experienced by this patient population, as well as some of the additional considerations and needs related to end-of-life care and bereavement for loved ones.
Happy reading!
Offering a Concert for Two: An Interpretation of Friendship in Pediatric Oncology Palliative Care Nursing
September's inaugural feature article is in honour of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. This is a beautiful piece of reflective scholarship that challenges some deeply ingrained ideas about the nurse-patient relationship. Enjoy!
Kelli Stajduhar, Melissa Giesbrecht, Ashley Mollison, Naheed Dosani, & Ryan McNeil, published April 27, 2020, Palliative Medicine, 34 (7), 946-953.
Available at https://jmss.org/index.php/jah/article/view/53339
The nurse practitioner role is ideally suited for palliative care practice: A qualitative descriptive study
This study explores the suitability of Nurse Practitioners in the delivery of palliative care. The study takes qualitative data from Nurse Practitioners to explore the barriers that Nurse Practitioners face in delivering palliative care and gives a perspective on what would be helpful looking toward the future development of more palliative care Nurse Practitioners in Canada.
Carmel M Collins, Sandra P Small, publishedFebruary 1, 2019, The Canadian Oncology Nurse, 29(1), 4-9.
Available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6516247/
Caregiving at the margins: An ethnographic exploration of family caregivers experiences providing care for structurally vulnerable populations at the end-of-life
Through interviews and observations conducted in various locations including homes, shelters, transitional housing facilities, clinics, hospitals, palliative care units, community-based service centres and outdoor settings, nursing researcher Kelli Stajduhar (University of Victoria) and her team offer insight into the experiences of family caregivers in a context of structural vulnerability (e.g., homelessness, poverty, racism, criminalization of illicit drug use and mental health stigma). The findings of their study shed important light on a sometimes hidden aspect of healthcare practice, and the need to improve culturally relevant palliative care approaches.
Kelli Stajduhar, Melissa Giesbrecht, Ashley Mollison, Naheed Dosani, & Ryan McNeil, published April 27, 2020, Palliative Medicine, 34 (7), 946-953.
Available at https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0269216320917875]
See the main Research Page for more information for members to submit their publications for posting and to support the dissemination of their work.