What's New At CPCNA?
CPCNA is pleased to provide a platform for palliative care nurse researchers to share their research with other healthcare providers and the public. We strive to provide a straightforward connection for healthcare providers with current research projects, as well as recently published materials.
We see value in all types of palliative care nursing research and literature and aim to share connections to journal articles published by members of CPCNA as we are able.
All CPCNA members are welcome to partake in The Palliative Care and Nursing Ethics Hub (PCNE) activities as regular members The PCNE is a research hub of the Center of Research on Health and Nursing, in partnership with the University of Ottawa and the Canadian Nurses Association. The Palliative Care and Nursing Ethics hub provides leadership, mentorship, and support for investigators, trainees, and clinicians pursuing research in palliative care and/or nursing ethics. Together, hub members form a community of practice, whose scholarly activities are organized around three specific themes: Learn more about the here!
The dissemination of this knowledge aligns with our mission of improving the provision of quality of palliative care.
CLICK HERE to view open research protocols listed on the CPCNA website.
Interested in ...
disseminating the findings of your research which pertains to palliative care nursing
posting information to seek participants for a palliative care nursing research study***
sharing recently published research and have a reference or open access link to share so that others can be made aware of your work. We accept research and clinical lenses.
How to:
Submit a request to disseminate your Research Study​
Notify us cpcnainfo@gmail.com along with your ethics approval
​​​Complete submission form
Submit your published article or research findings for review
Email cpcnainfo@gmail.com and include
​link to your article
copy of the research findings you wish to have shared
ethics approval
Research Proposals are the work of Academic Individuals or Groups and not affiliated with CPCNA.
***Proof of Local Ethics Board Approval must accompany submissions.
Submissions will be reviewed by the Director of Research prior to posting.